The Nagaoka MP100 Moving Magnet Cartridge is a moving magnet (MM) refined cartridge that gives distinct and expressive sound with excellent fidelity, clarity, and enhanced sound quality. Experience the ingenious attributes of the Nagaoka MP100 Cartridge:
Excellent Sound Quality
The Nagaoka MP100 Moving Magnet Cartridge is very refined and widespread. Thanks to the MP100’s perfect sound reproduction, distortion reduction features, and user-friendly setup, you’ll be able to relive your vinyl listening experience.
Musical Clarity
The Nagaoka MP100 is one of these high quality open conical cartridges that can give you a fantastic vocal reproduction experience and offer musical clarity and expression beyond its price tag. Embrace the technical prowess of the Nagaoka MP100 Cartridge:
As a permalloy magnet principle cartridge, you can replace the stylus when it is worn out for a reasonable cost. You can even upgrade to the MP-200’s boron cantilever stylus for even clearer high fidelity.
Features and Benefits
- Refined Design: The perfect combination of old and recent designs. This allows a perfectly balanced interaction between the groove and the stylus.
- Extraordinary Reproduction: The unique alloy cantilever allows for a dramatic and dynamic audio experience.
- User-Friendly Setup: Experience a simplified and fast installation process.
Technical Specifications
- Frequency Response: 20-20,000 Hz
- Channel Separation (@ 1kHz/10kHz): 23/15 dB
- Stylus Type: Conical
- Cantilever: Alloy
- Tracking Force Range: 1.5-2.3 g
- Load Impedance: 47k ohms
Summary of the Nagaoka MP100 Moving Magnet Cartridge
Nagaoka’s MP100 Cartridge is the one that stands out the most as a beacon of audio fidelity and demonstrates the warmth and depth of their music.ย The Nagaoka MP100 Moving Magnet Cartridge introduces the most recent and the latest innovative materials.
Among them are a superlight metalloid oscillator (Permalloy, located at the base of the cantilever) and a high-grade cobalt permanent magnet that is securely and safely placed in the cartridge case.
Enhancing the Vinyl Experience
The Nagaoka MP100 will produce equal sound mixings at every frequency, 20Hz or 20000Hz. From the deep lows to the sounds where the high notes ring in crystal comprehension, the Nagaoka MP100 will play the super-normal. The Nagaoka MP100 Cartridge will accentuate and separate each detail of the musical instruments or voices.
The Nagaoka MP100 Moving Magnet Cartridge delivers the subtlest music details. Separation of the tonal information is vital because, in bold separation, every detail may be distinguished, enabling the listener to pick it out and making the reference remarkable in clarity.
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