Crafting the Ultimate Listening Experience: The Audio Technica VMN60SLC Special Line Contact Stylus is more than just an accessory; it’s an investment in the quality of your audio experience. Its special line contact profile is the main reason for a significant reduction in record wear on your records.
This also results in getting the maximum amount of acoustic data from the music. Allowing listeners to master a richer and more vivid sound and recreate the experience of attending a live concert.
The Pinnacle of Precision
The Pinnacle of Precision: Precision is one of the key features of the Audio Technica VMN60SLC Special Line Contact Stylus design. Audio Technica’s tight control of every phase guarantees that the stylus will always exhibit its high-performance capability while providing stable longevity.
Enhanced Sound Reproduction
It accomplishes this by skillfully tracking the intricacies of every record. The result is a soundscape synonymous with an original live performance, keeping the emotion and clarity intact with enhanced sound reproduction.
Features Benefits
- Shibata Stylus Design: Enhances groove contact. For optimal audio reproduction.
- Advanced Construction: Provides exceptional performance. And durability.
- High-Frequency Reproduction: Guarantees tonal balance. And expansive soundstage.
- Easy Installation and Compatibility: Seamless integration. With Audio Technica VM750SH and other compatible cartridges.
- Extended Life Span: The robust Shibata stylus tip ensures a prolonged. High-quality listening experience.
Technical Specifications
- Stylus Profile: Special Line Contact
- Frequency Response: 20 Hz to 30,000 Hz
- Channel Separation: 30 dB at 1 kHz
- Tracking Force Range: 1.8 to 2.2g
- Output Voltage: 4.0 mV (at 1 kHz, 5 cm/sec)
- Channel Balance: Within 1 dB at 1 kHz
Summary of the Audio Technica VMN60SLC Special Line Contact Stylus
The Audio Technica VMN60SLC Special Line Contact Stylus epitomizes the versatility and innovation of vinyl. It is a stylus designed with precision, durability, and audio fidelity. Essentially, it guides the music listener to the most authentic experience of their favourite songs. A stylus can be considered the soul of vinyl playback.
A Testament to Audio Purity
Audio Technica’s aim to provide the purest form of sound quality is exemplified through the VMN60SLC stylus. It symbolises the brand’s devotion to audio purity and technical excellence. It brings the honesty of analogue audio close to what the musicians feel. Hence, the listener’s attention is captured by that live performance as it takes place.
The Audio Technica VMN60SLC Special Line Contact Stylus lower distortion cartridge is a great match for any audiophile system and affords hours of listening pleasure with the new Performer cartridges loaded.
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