Whilst audio tech giant Bose is well known for its innovative range of speakers and headphones, it’s less well known for its work in the automotive industry. Now Bose is taking a brave leap forward with noise-cancelling technology โ€“ inside your car.

Bose has recently announced its plans to introduce its Boseย QuietComfort noise-cancelling technology into cars and other road vehicles, called QuietComfort Road Noise Control (RNC) to make your car a haven of absolute quiet.

Currently,ย automotive manufacturers use additional insulation or customised tyres to reduce cabin noise, often compromising on performance and fuel efficiency, due to the extra weight. Bose wants to use QuietComfort RNC as a smarter way to produce the same objective.

Using a combination of accelerometers, signal-processing and microphones around the car, the vehicle’s audio system can electronically control the unwanted sound from outside. With constant monitoring, the noise-cancelling system can identify vibrations caused by rough roads, grooved concrete and uneven pavement and lessen the effect of excessive cabin noise, ultimately leading to a better listening environment for your music.

In light of this announcement, there have been several concerns raised over the safety of driving in such a quiet space, without being able to hear the various sound cues of driving. However, Bose hopes that with a little time, these issues can be resolved. Production for commercial road vehicles is aimed to be for the end of 2021, a three-year wait for anyone keen to experience the technology.

bose qc35 II

Bose has used the noise-cancelling technology in its QuietComfort range for a few years, allowing music enthusiasts to get the best listening environment in an ever-increasing noisy world. With both over-ear and in-ear designs, Bose has adapted the noise-cancelling technology for all situations, improving journeys on planes and trains, as well as for pedestrians in busy cities. The noise-cancelling QuietComfort system creates a private world for all its users.

So, it seems a question of whether the noise-cancelling technology will work on the road. You can try a pair of the Bose QuietComfort QC35 II noise-cancelling Bluetooth headphones now and experience it for yourself, but, for now at least, get the bus.

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